
国家级非物质文化遗产代表性传承人唐骏正在制作白花石刻。 妙手生花。 白花石刻制作过程。 栩栩如生的广元白花石刻。 一方顽石,赤白相间,在雕刻大师的一双巧手下,原本平淡无奇的石头悄然绽放出朵朵傲骨寒梅。梅花是中国四大名刻——广元白花石刻的最经典主题之一。数百年来,白花石刻以其独特的石料、精湛的工艺而声名远播。2008年,白花石刻被列为第二批国家级非物质文化遗产。 In the skillful hands of a sculptor, an ordinary stone is transform





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  一方顽石,赤白相间,在雕刻大师的一双巧手下,原本平淡无奇的石头悄然绽放出朵朵傲骨寒梅。梅花是中国四大名刻——广元白花石刻的最经典主题之一。数百年来,白花石刻以其独特的石料、精湛的工艺而声名远播。2008年,白花石刻被列为第二批国家级非物质文化遗产。  In the skillful hands of a sculptor, an ordinary stone is transformed into elegant plum blossoms. The plum blossom is one of the most iconic themes of Guangyuan Baihua Stone Carving, one of China's four great stone carvings. For centuries, Baihua Stone Carving has been renowned for its unique materials and exquisite craftsmanship. In 2008, Baihua Stone Carving was listed as a National Intangible Cultural Heritage.  广元白花石刻选材于广元市利州区荣山镇与旺苍县交界的深山处一种罕见的赤(绿)白相间的白花石。白花石刻艺人非常善于因材施艺,利用其自然纹理和形象、结合高雕镂空的雕刻手法,tp钱包随势雕就制作成千姿百态、栩栩如生的龙凤、花鸟、虫鱼、山水等文房用品和装饰摆件。  The materials for Guangyuan Baihua Stone Carving are sourced from a rare type of red (or green) and white stone found in the deep mountains at the border of Rongshan Town in Lizhou District and Wangcang County in Guangyuan City. Baihua Stone Carving artisans excel at utilizing the natural textures and patterns of the stone, combined with high-relief and hollow carving techniques, to create a diverse array of lifelike dragons, phoenixes, flowers, birds, insects, fish, landscapes, and other decorative and functional items.  从选料开始,到下毛坯、构思、打花坯、精雕,完成一件白花石刻作品,要经过几十道手工流程,且件件都是孤品。广元白花石刻艺人的一双妙手,让石头上“开出”了生动明艳的花。  From selecting the material to shaping the rough block, conceptualizing, carving the rough pattern, and refining the details, creating a piece of Baihua Stone Carving involves dozens of handcrafted steps, with each piece being a unique work of art. The skillful hands of the Guangyuan Baihua stone carvers bring the stones to life, blossoming with vivid and bright flowers.  中文作者:四川日报全媒体记者谢秀丽英文作者:四川国际传播中心记者刘动摄影:谢秀丽